martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Construct 2 plugin Cordova SQLite Database


Con este plugin para Construct 2 podrás utilizar las funciones de cordova-sqlite-storage para crear, administrar y borrar una base de datos SQLite local en el dispositivo.

Funciona con Android, Ios y Windows 10



With this plugin for Construct 2, you can use local SQLite databases in your device via cordova-sqlite-storage. You can create databases, execute sql statements and more.

Works in Android, Ios and Windows 10


Required Cordova plugin:


Acciones / Actions

Condiciones / Conditions

Expresiones / Expressions

Example .capx:


Buy the plugin for 4$ in the button below.

Plugin in a .zip file will be sent to your payment e-mail. 


Scirra Store (More expensive but sended instantly):