lunes, 11 de julio de 2016

Construct 2 plugin Cordova Facebook Connect


Con este plugin para Construct 2 podrás utilizar las funciones de Facebook en tus proyectos de Cordova como el login, invitar a amigos, publicaciones en el muro...

Funciona con Android, Ios y Browser



With this plugin for Construct 2, you can use Facebook functions in your cordova projects like login, invite friends, post dialogs...

Works in Android, Ios and Browser.




Required Cordova plugin:

Acciones / Actions

Condiciones / Conditions

Expresiones / Expressions

Buy the plugin for 4$ in the button below.

Plugin in a .zip file will be sent to your payment e-mail.


Now in Scirra Store too!

domingo, 10 de julio de 2016

Construct 2 plugin Cordova Device Orientation


Con este plugin para Construct 2 podrás utilizar las funciones del plugin de cordova Device Orientation, que nos permite acceder a la brújula de nuestro dispositivo.


With this Construct 2 plugin you can use the functions of cordova-plugin-device-orientation to access the device compass.

Works in Amazon Fire OS, Android, BlackBerry 10, Browser, Firefox OS, iOS, Tizen, Windows Phone 7/8 and Windows 8.

Required cordova plugin:


  Condiciones / Conditions:

Acciones / Actions:


Expresiones / Expressions:



Instructions and demo video



Links de descarga / Download links

  Construct 2 plugin:

DropBox: click here

Mediafire: click here


miércoles, 6 de julio de 2016

Construct 2 plugin Cordova Native Dialogs


Con este plugin para Construct 2 podrás utilizar dialogs nativos en tu dispositivo o navegador, como alerts, confirm dialogs o prompts con entrada de texto por parte del usuario. Puedes recoger las interacciones del mismo con las condiciones y expresiones disponibles.


With this Construct 2 plugin you can use native dialogs in your device/browser, like alerts, confirm dialogs or prompts with a text box. Then you can get the user interaction with some of the conditions or expressions availables.

Works in Amazon Fire OS, Android, BlackBerry 10, Browser, Firefox OS, iOS, Tizen, Windows Phone 7/8, Windows 8 and Windows.

Required cordova plugin:


  Condición / Condition:

Acciones / Actions:

Expresiones / Expressions:


Demo video:

Links de descarga / Download links

  Construct 2 plugin:

DropBox: click here

Mediafire: click here


Construct 2 plugin Cordova Open Native Settings


Con este plugin para Construct 2 podrás acceder a cualquier tipo de configuración de tu dispositivo Android o Ios: modo avión, wi-fi, localización, NFC, bluetooth...


With this Construct 2 plugin you can use the functions of a Cordova plugin to open settings in your Android and Ios device, like airplane mode, wi-fi, location settings, bluetooth, Nfc...

Works in Android and Ios

Required cordova plugin:

Install by github url or locally:

  Condiciones / Conditions:

Acciones / Actions:


Demo video:


Links de descarga / Download links

  Construct 2 plugin:

DropBox: click here

Mediafire: click here